Exportações de suco de laranja (orange juice exports)

Brazilian orange juice exports grow by 17% in 2019/20 harvest

May, 28, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202023

According to CitrusBR, Brazilian orange juice exports rose by 17% in ten-month cumulative total for the 2019/20 harvest, when compared to the same period in the previous season, part of which was due to an increase in demand from the European Union.  During this period, Brazil exported 914,287 tons of orange juice (FCOJ equivalent), compared to 781,995 tons in the 2018/19 harvest. This is an increase of 4.5% in revenue equivalent to US$1.525 billion.

European Union juice shipments increased by 25% reaching 635,602 tons. The previous season registered 508,811 tons.  In the USA, shipments decreased by 14% in the first ten months of the harvest totaling 147,693 tons.  CitrusBR also highlighted the performance of orange juice in the Asian market. Exports from Brazil to Japan reached, 49,831 tons, 38% more than in the ten months of the 2018/19 harvest. There was a 36.6% increase in exports to China totaling 37,132 tons.

The following DataLiner graph shows the total orange juice export trends in Brazil month by month:

Graphic source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

Source of report: Reuters


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