Ports and Terminals

EPL releases tender notice for privatization of Itajaí Port

Jun, 01, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202023

On Friday, May 29th, the Planning and Logistics Company (EPL) released a tender notice for consulting services with reference to the privatization of the Port of Itajaí (SC). The winning company will make a proposal for operating the site which they will present to EPL, which will then be presented to the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The winning company will have the responsibility of carrying out the preliminary surveys for the project, such as mapping out the operational capacity of the port, tax and equity situation, as well as legal audit, amongst other things. The winning bidder should also support the tender process, promoting roadshows with investors. The estimated value of the contract is R$2.8 million.

The Work Plan, developed in conjunction with the National Secretariat for Ports and Water Transport, established 28 months to complete the surveys. According to the schedule, the auction is expected to take place in 2022. Currently, the management of Itajaí Port is under the responsibility of the municipality of Santa Catarina.  Proposals must be submitted between the 1st to 23rd of June 2020 exclusively on website: www.comprasnet.gov.br.

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