Data show that Brazilian corn exports have decreased / exportação de milho
Ports and Terminals

Grain exports via Paranaguá expected to increase by 8.5% in third quarter

Jun, 25, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202026

Solid bulk export operators at the Port of Paranaguá foresee an 8.5% increase in throughput for the third quarter of this year. In the next three months, they expect to move around 7.6 million tonnes, 600,000 more than the total from the same period of 2019.

This week, the Portos de Paraná released projections for 12 terminals that handle soybeans, grain, bran, corn, and sugar through the port of Paraná, based on the performance of the first two quarters of the year.

Port operators consulted by Portos do Paraná estimate that soy will continue to be the busiest product. Estimates are about 4.97 million tonnes of grain and bran expected – 30.8% more than the 3.8 million tonnes exported in the third quarter of last year.

In bulk sugar, the volume expected for the next three months is 1.45 million tonnes. The projected volume is 74.74% higher than the 829,791 tonnes exported in the same period of 2019.

Traditionally, soybean exports are better in the first half and corn in the second. The sector expects to handle around 1.2 million tonnes of the product in the next quarter. The volume forecast for 2020 is almost 50% less than the 2.42 million tonnes exported in the same period, last year.  Iran, South Korea, and Japan are the main destinations for corn exported through the Port of Paranaguá.


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