
Anec raises its July forecast for soybean, corn, and soybran exports

Jul, 08, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202028

On July 7, the National Association of Cereal Exporters (Anec) raised its forecast for Brazilian soybean exports in July to 8 million tonnes, up from 7.25 million projected in the previous week.  With this, shipments of oilseeds are predicted to reach a cumulative total for the first seven months of this year of around 69.57 million tonnes, based on the schedule of vessels leaving ports.

The entity also raised the forecast for corn exports, from 3.9 million tonnes at the beginning of the month, to 5.16 million tonnes for July. As a result, the projection for cereal exports in the year up to the end of July is now 7.7 million tonnes.

For soy bran, the increase was 200,000 tonnes, to 1.7 million, causing exports between January-July to reach an estimated 10.1 million tonnes.

Source: Reuters


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