
Commodity ranking for Brazil`s container shipping exports & imports in first five months of 2020

Jul, 08, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202028

The Brazilian trade balance has been registering record surpluses so far this year, mainly attributed to the Coronavirus pandemic whereby the direction of world trade hs been changed, favoring exports of certain categories of Brazilian products. What are these categories? What were the most exported and imported goods by Brazil in containers in the first five months of the year?

The following rankings, based on DataLiner data, provides the answer to these questions and a comparison with the performance of each product category in 2020 in relation to the first five months of 2019:

Ranking of most exported goods from January- May 2020

On the export side, the top-ranking sector was food, which grew 9%, followed by paper and cellulose with 10% growth, then cotton with 44% growth, and sugar and ethanol which had an expressive volume increase of 54%. At the other extreme, rubber and derivatives as well as vehicles and auto parts suffered the largest drops in exports – 27% each.

Ranking Commodity - Exports

wdt_ID Rank commodity 2019 (TEU) 2020 (TEU) % change (2019 - 2020)
1 1 Foods 249.959 272.506 9%
2 2 Wood and coal and derivatives 165.143 161.020 -2%
3 3 Paper And Cellulose 101.114 111.183 10%
4 4 Plastic and derivatives 56.670 50.906 -10%
5 5 Metals and derivatives 51.343 53.527 4%
6 6 Beverages - Infusion 51.021 49.841 -2%
7 7 Cotton 35.521 51.234 44%
8 8 Chemicals 41.064 41.163 0%
9 9 Sugar and derivatives 24.303 37.464 54%
10 10 Reactors and boilers 31.694 26.176 -17%
11 11 Minerals and derivatives 22.772 18.846 -17%
12 12 Animal food 20.260 19.788 -2%
13 13 Textiles, derivatives and clothing 20.861 18.427 -12%
14 14 Rubber and derivatives 22.236 16.194 -27%
15 15 Vehicles and parts 20.440 14.935 -27%
16 Total 916.422 945.230 3%
17 Others 145.595 142.736 -2%
18 Grand total 1.062.017 1.087.966 2%

Source: DataLiner

Ranking of the most imported goods from January to May 2020

Regarding imports, the biggest highlight is the fertilizer category with 58% growth, motivated by the good performance of Brazilian agribusiness. In the opposite direction, the biggest fall was also seen in imports of vehicles and auto parts, with a 19% year-on-year downturn.

Ranking Commodity - Imports

wdt_ID Rank Commodity 2019 (TEU) 2020 (TEU) % change (2019 - 2020)
1 1 Plastic and derivatives 113.021 119.363 6%
2 2 Vehicles and parts 114.651 92.688 -19%
3 3 Chemicals 93.940 102.076 9%
4 4 Reactors and boilers 92.605 88.509 -4%
5 5 Electric machines 69.653 77.301 11%
6 6 Textiles, derivatives and clothing 68.915 59.742 -13%
7 7 Metals and derivatives 63.071 63.347 0%
8 8 Foods 39.655 38.825 -2%
9 9 Rubber and derivatives 37.587 33.552 -11%
10 10 Paper And Cellulose 26.540 29.488 11%
11 11 Fertilizer 16.512 26.090 58%
12 12 Glass and derivatives 16.832 15.503 -8%
13 13 Furniture 14.866 12.297 -17%
14 14 Salt, plaster, cement 12.015 14.590 21%
15 15 Drinks 13.043 12.631 -3%
16 Total 794.927 788.021 -1%
17 Others 151.408 163.081 8%
18 Grand total 946.335 951.102 1%

Source: DataLiner

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