Regras de Comércio

Economy Ministry publishes improvements to customs drawback regime

jul, 30, 2020 Postado porSylvia Schandert


On July 27, the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Economy Ministry (Secex / ME) published, in the Federal Official Gazette, an ordinance revising the rules for granting, using and closing the special customs drawback regime, a mechanism that allows the tax exemption for inputs used in the production of exported goods. The new normative act will come into force 15 working days after the date of publication.

The issue of Secex Ordinance No. 44, which was the subject of public consultation between February and April this year, improves the drawback regulation, making it more accessible to Brazilian exporters.


The changes

One of the main advances promoted by the standard is the new approach to granting and controlling the regime, focused on the volume involved in the operations and not on the values, which reduces the costs of using the mechanism and facilitates the entry of new companies.

Another change is in relation to fluctuations in the values ​​of acquisition of inputs or exports of the resulting products, in relation to those initially projected. These fluctuations will no longer be a cause for non-compliance with the regime, as long as the technical coefficients for processing imported or locally purchased items are respected and external sales consistent with these indicators are made.

Other improvements to the new regulation are the separation of rules pertaining to each drawback regime (suspension, exemption, and atypical regimes) and harmonization with other norms of a higher hierarchy.

The Ordinance also updates Secex’s export regulations, consolidating the review of export processes promoted by the Unique Foreign Trade Portal Program.



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