Ports and Terminals

Grain exports in Paranaguá port´s export corridor are up 10% YoY between Jan-June 2020

Aug, 07, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202032

Between January and July, Paranaguá port´s export corridor exported almost 13 million tonnes of grain and bran. The volume is 10% higher than that handled in the same period last year. More than 97% of the complex’s exports (about 12.5 million tonnes) are soybeans in the form of grain and bran.  Hence, the product remains by far the largest in volume loaded for export.

Gradually, however, corn is reappearing in the line-ups and schedules, both for loading and unloading. “Corn, historically, is handled more intensively in the second half. We hope to continue with the good negotiations, both due to the high demand from the international market, as well as the good harvest and positive exchange rate for exports ”, says the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia.

The next vessel exports of grain are scheduled to dock in the port´s export corridor on the 11th. The Achile is expected to carry 60,000 tonnes of grain.  In addition to this, another seven ships are already scheduled for later this month, totaling a volume of just over 432,000 tonnes of corn. By September, operators of the complex expect to move more than one million tonnes of grain.

According to the Department of Rural Economy (Deral), of the State Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply, in Paraná’s second harvest they should collect about 11.5 million tonnes of corn. “The drought, despite being historic, had its impact mitigated by greater investment by producers in technology, and this contributed to curbing the loss in harvest”, the department reports in the latest cyclical bulletin.

So far, the harvest totals about 26% of the planted area, from a total of 2.3 million hectares. According to experts from the Secretariat of Agriculture, with the advance of the harvest in the state, the corn market has heated up and more than 40% of the expected production has already been sold, as compared with 28% of it last month.

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