Trade Regulations

Secex eliminates need for import licences on 210 products

Aug, 19, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202034

The Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy (Secex / ME) eliminated the requirement for automatic import licenses for 88 products and non-automatic licenses for 122 other different goods. In total, these items represented US$2.9 billion and US$2.7 billion in imports respectively last year alone.

The novelty, according to data from Secex, allows the dispensation of 159,000 automatic licenses and 111,000 non-automatic licenses that were approved in 2019, generating savings for Brazilian importers of more than R$23 million in the payment of fees that were charged for the obtaining these documents.

Among the products that can be imported without the need for licenses are wall coverings, acrylic wires and steel tubes, which previously depended on Secex’s approval – directly or by delegating competence to Banco do Brasil – as a requirement prior to completion of imports into the country.

The initiative complies with the governmental guideline on reducing bureaucracy, improving the business environment and improving the efficiency of state action on foreign trade operations, in accordance with the Economic Freedom Law (Law No. 13,874, of September 20, 2019) and the Trade Facilitation Agreement, signed within the scope of the World Trade Organization (WTO), to which Brazil is a signatory.

See the complete list of products exempt from licenses:

Import n ° 041/2020

Import n ° 051/2020

Import n ° 052/2020

Import n ° 049/2020


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