Ports and Terminals

New jurisdictional area made official for Rio Grande Port Authority

Aug, 25, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202034

On August 18th, Infrastructure Minister Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas, approved the new area of ​​jurisdiction of the Rio Grande Port Authority. According to Ordinance No. 121, of August 18, 2020, published in the Official Gazette No. 159 of August 19, 2020, the Ministry determined that the area in question, which lies within the municipalities of Rio Grande and São José do Norte, both in Rio Grande do Sul, will be defined by the polygons, the coordinates of which are detailed in Annexes 1 and 2 of that Ordinance.

The organized port area comprises port facilities and infrastructure for protection and access to the port, a public asset built and equipped to meet the needs of navigation, passenger movement as well as the movement and storage of goods where the traffic and port operations involved are under the jurisdiction of the port authority.

In line with Law 12,915 / 2013, and after several discussions and surveys carried out over time in this process that began in 2015, the new definition of the area excludes, among other areas, the Private Use Terminals (TUPs), historic and consolidated urban occupations, the central urban area of ​​the Municipality of Rio Grande, and on its eastern land border, the land located in the Municipality of São José do Norte. The new jurisdiction is also expanded to include the part of the access channel dredged in the open sea, beyond the limits of the jetties, and also includes the pilotage waiting area.


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