Ports and Terminals


Sep, 08, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202037

Last week, Companhia Docas da Bahia (Codeba) and Itaqui Port, managed by Empresa Maranhense de Administração Portuária (Emap) formalized a cooperative partnership agreement with the objective of establishing an alliance to strengthen cargo handling in Brazil’s “Northern Arc”. The document was signed by Ted Lago, president of Itaqui, and by Carlos Autran Amaral, CEO of Codeba.


“We are ports in two states at the edge of the northeastern region, and, within the spirit improving the Brazilian public port system, this partnership is very positive for Maranhão, Bahia, and for all of Brazil,” stated Lago.


He also highlighted the similarities between the two ports. “We are both in the Northern Arc and we have some cargo and customers in common. This exchange strengthens the sector and benefits all of us, especially now, with the launch of BR do Mar, a cabotage system being launched by the Ministry of Infrastructure”, added Amaral.


According to the document, valid for two years, the parties agree to develop joint commercial initiatives, activities, and market studies, and to exchange information regarding port management, technology, operational controls, performance, and planning, etc.

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