Ports and Terminals


Sep, 20, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202038

Portonave acquired 25 new terminal tractors – reinforced trucks exclusively for handling containers inside the port – and two lithium battery-powered forklifts, with an investment of R$ 16.6 million.  The high-tech trucks and forklifts have a greater load capacity, in addition to being more ergonomic for operators.

The company currently has 40 terminal tractors in operation and will replace the 25 oldest ones, in operation since 2007. According to Marcelo Diniz, Maintenance Manager of Portonavé, “the capacity of the new trucks is 25% greater than the capacity of the equipment that will be replaced. They have a very strong and reinforced structure, better shock absorbers, and are prepared to increase the volume of the operation”.

The two electric forklift trucks with lithium batteries are an improvement when compared to equipment powered by LPG. The new EFG 425K forklifts are already in operation in the terminal’s warehouse and are the first powered by electricity in port operations in the southern region of Brazil. In addition to providing more comfort to the operators, the equipment does not produce heat or noise.

To deal with these high investments, the terminal will reduce operating costs.


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