Ports and Terminals

Governor of Paraguay authorizes licensing and regulating of private ports

Oct, 16, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202043

On October 14, the Paraguayan Executive Branch authorized the country’s Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) to license and regulate private port operations.

Decree No. 4,143 was signed by the President of the Republic of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez. The Department of Ports was created as a division of the Directorate of the Merchant Navy, which approved the regulation that authorizes the operation of private ports.

Previously, all authorization requests meeting the established requirements and approved by the merchant navy were forwarded to the MOPC. From there, they went to the Economic and Financial Development Council, and finally, their approval would depend on executive decree.

With this modification and expansion agreed upon, the final decision will depend on a ministerial resolution.

According to the head of the merchant navy, Patricio Ortega, the objective is to shorten the deadlines and create a new type of private port, such as for tourism, in addition to general bulk cargo and containerized cargo.

See the graph below for the monthly history of container handling in Paraguay since January 2017:

Container handling in Paraguay | Jan 2017 to Aug 2020 | TEU

Graph source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

Report sources: Portual Portuário and Agência IP

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