Ports and Terminals

Wilson Sons reports 12% reduction in greenhouse gases since 2013

Oct, 21, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202044

Wilson Sons recorded a 12% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since 2013 when it began to voluntarily publish its inventory. The survey follows the methodology of the Brazilian GHG Protocol program and annually measures the emission of gases mainly from the burning of fossil fuels and the consumption of electric energy in all the eight business units of the Group.

The company’s inventory is officially recognized with the Silver Seal, a qualification granted to organizations that report emissions in full, that is, all issuing sources are identified and accounted for. For the next year, Wilson Sons took on the challenge of publishing the inventory of the Gold Seal category, in which companies also undergo external verification.

“In order to prepare the company for the new certification, we rely on Firjan’s external consultancy which prepared a diagnosis and pointed out the main points of adaptation for us to obtain external verification”, stated João David Santos, Manager of  Health, Environment, Safety, and Sustainability at Wilson Sons.

Among the new practices adopted is the automation of the necessary records for the inventory in all Wilson Sons business units, making the flow simpler and more reliable.

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