Trade Regulations

CAMEX extends import tariff suspension on items that help fight COVID-19

Oct, 22, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202044

GECEX, the executive management committee of CAMEX, the chamber of foreign trade, decided by means of Resolution No. 104/2020 to extend until December 31, 2020, the validity of Resolution No. 17/2020 which suspends tariff import duties that would focus on items essential to combat Covid-19.

Based on studies carried out by the Ministry of Health, adjustments were made to exclude from the list, beginning November 1, items for which adequate supply conditions already exist in the national market. The complete list of excluded items is contained in GECEX Resolution No. 103/2020. According to the agency, this change is the result of increased national production of items essential to combat the pandemic.

As a result, a wide list of 479 medicines, hospital equipment, personal hygiene items, and other supplies used to combat Covid-19 will continue at zero tariff until December 31.



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