Ports and Terminals

Strong growth in vessel calls at Port of Vitória

Oct, 25, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202044

The second half of 2020 is encouraging for the Port of Vitória, which has been registering a steady growth in ship moorings. From January to June, 289 vessels accessed the Vitória channel, while in the third quarter (July, August, and September), 184 ships have already been recorded.

From June to September, there were 287 moorings, an increase of 54.3% compared to the first five months of 2020, and flags of 34 countries, such as Panama (36 ships) and Liberia (22), in addition to Brazil (90 – shipping) cabotage). The main products handled were solid and liquid bulk, fertilizers, and containers.

According to Leonardo Bianchi, CODESA’s Planning and Development Coordinator, with the new Atalaia Pier (berth 207) coming onstream, this will allow the Port of Vitória to receive a greater number of vessels without long waits, making it more competitive. “The Port of Vitória will serve a larger number of ships sailing from many countries, without reducing the level of service. Our expectation is for growth in the total number of moorings without any increase in waiting lines; this is an indicator of increased competitiveness vis-à-vis the port sector”, he stresses.

Consult cargo handling at the Port of Vitória on the following charts in addition to the main products handled:

Cargo Handling at the Port of Vitoria | Jan 2017 to Aug 2020 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner


Main Products Handled at the Port of Vitoria | Jan to Aug 2020 | Percentage

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

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2 opinions about “Strong growth in vessel calls at Port of Vitória”

  1. bom dia. Interessante mas muito superficial a informação: não informa se os produtos ou a estatística são de produtos de Importação ou Exportação. Também como se sabe Vitoria é o porto de onde se embarca (exportação)placas de granito e afins (em container) e pedras de granito em navios breakbulk. Nenhuma menção a esta commodity? Obrigado,

    1. Bom dia, Rogério! O gráfico do DataLiner traz tanto dados de importação como exportação. Para conhecer mais detalhes da movimentação de cargas no Porto de Vitória você pode entrar em contato com nosso departamento comercial, pelo e-mail comercial@datamar.com.br e solicitar um demo do DataLiner.

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