sacas de café / coffee

Brazilian coffee exports to Arab countries gain market share

Nov, 03, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202046

Brazilian coffee exports to Arab countries registered an average annual growth rate of 3.8% over the last nine years through 2019. From January to September of 2020, shipments of the products continued to advance, attaining levels up to 7.3% higher than the same period in 2019.

From 2010 to 2019,  CECAFE (Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council) announced that exports grew by 328.8% for Algeria, 16.3% for Jordan, 13.1% for Syria, and 10.3% for Tunisia.

In a year in which all sectors are facing challenges generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, the coffee sector experienced uncertainties regarding grain sales. CECAFE has assured that shipments have proceeded normally. “It is important to highlight that coffee exports from Brazil generally followed the normal shipment pace, offering a quality and sustainable product that strictly complies with employee safety and protection measures and follows guidelines from the World Health Organization and municipal and state public health institutions,” said Carvalhaes.

The Chairman of the Board emphasized that demand has remained stable. Although restrictions applied to hotels, restaurants, and coffee shops have negatively affected the specialty-coffee segment, there has been an increase in private consumption.

Consult the following graph for a comparison of Brazilian coffee exports in 2019 and 2020:

Brazilian Coffee Exports (HS 0901) Jan – Sept 2019-2020 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (to request a DataLiner demo, click here)

COOXUPE (the regional cooperative of coffee growers in Guaxupé) registered an increase in coffee sales to the Arab countries. In 2020 to date, the export of green Arabica coffee totals 18,322  sixty-kilo bags. During the entire year of 2019, the volume shipped was only 16,900 bags of the same type of coffee.

This institution is the largest cooperative of coffee producers in Brazil and has encouraged the production of quality beans. Exports to the Arab bloc, however, are still focused on the commodities market.

Source: ANBA

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