Ports and Terminals

Itajaí and Navegantes Port Complex handles more than 1.4 mi TEU in 2020

Jan, 26, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202104

The Itajaí and Navegantes Port Complex ends 2020 setting a record in handling and registers a 15% increase in TEU and a 14% increase in tonnage. From January to December 2020, 1,419,082 TEU and 15,655,812 tons were handled, compared to 1,230,467 TEU and 13,724,748 tons from the same period in 2019.

“This was the most handling carried out in the port complex in terms of TEU, surpassing the movement of 1,230,467 TEU in 2019, which, until then, had been the largest handling registered in a year”, says Heder Cassiano Moritz, Director of Logistics Operations of the Superintendence of the Port of Itajaí.

Exports made up 61% of the cargo direction. Chicken, meat – especially pork and wood and by-products – were the main products exported in 2020.

Mechanical and electronic products, chemical products, and various textiles were the main items imported. Imports accounted for 39% of the cargo that passed through the complex.

Moritz emphasizes that the works carried out to improve access and the waterway and the new Evolution Basin of the Port Complex of Itajaí and Navegantes were fundamental to the achievement of these levels. He points out that the new infrastructure has also changed the profile of ships arriving at Itajaí and Navegantes: “The fact that we can receive ships 350 meters long by 48 meters wide and also the depth conditions we offer means that we can operate fewer ships with more cargo. That is why we have seen significant cargo growth without an increase in the number of berths”.

He also points out that 2020 ends an extremely positive quadrennium (2017/2020) for the complex: “In 2017 we registered 1,119,271 TEU; in 2018, 1,150,559 TEUs; in 2019, there were 1,230,467 TEU; and in 2020, 1,419,082 TEU. In the last four years, we handled 4,919,374 TEU and 54,639,210 tons, with yearly growth during this quadrennium”.

In comparison with the same period of the previous year, in December alone the complex registered a growth of 21% in TEI handling and 20% in tonnage. In 2019, 114,571 TEU and 1,282,324 tons were handled; this increased to 139,061 TEU and 1,538,318 tons in 2020.

At the Port of Itajaí (public berths and APM Terminals), 2020 ends with an 11% increase in TEU handling, with 545,338 TEU handled compared with 489,202 TEU in 2019. In tonnage, the movement recorded was 6,054,049 against 5,422,002 tons from the previous year, a growth of 12%.

The Port of Itajaí also showed a solid growth rate over the last 4 years. Compared to the total handled in 2016, public berths and APM Terminals grew 194.7% in tons, 177% in TEU, and 92.7% in moorings. In the last four years, the public dock handled 1,644,303 TEU and 17,950,303 tons.

Portonave, which registered its best operating level in November, ended the year with 18% growth in containers and tonnage. In 2020, the terminal handled 873,744 TEU and 9,476,718.00 tons, compared to 741,265 TEU and 8,064,145.00 tons in 2019. The port recorded 19 stopovers and 64,931 tons handled, a 58% drop in cargo compared to 2019. Poly Terminais registered a 3% growth in cargo handling, with 10 ships unloading 46,556 tons in 2020. Barra do Rio handled 9 ships unloading 13,558 tons, a drop of 31% compared to the previous year.

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