Ports and Terminals

New president at Suape Complex

Feb, 03, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202105

Since February 1st, the Complexo Industrial Portuário Governador Eraldo Gueiros (Suape) has a new president: Roberto Gusmão, engineer and ex-Secretary of Infrastructure of Recife. Jorge Vieira, the new director of Administration and Finance, and João Alberto Faria, the director of Land and Property Management, will work together with him as he takes over. Due to the pandemic, no inauguration ceremony was held.

“We have the great challenge not only of continuing the structuring projects in progress but of expanding these projects and consolidating Pernambuco’s vocation as a logistics center for cargo handling in the Northeast,” says Gusmão. “Suape Port already has a very relevant role on the national scene and we want it to become increasingly competitive”. In 2020, Suape reached a record 25.6 million tons handled in 2020, an increase of 7.53% in relation to 2019, when the port handled 23.8 million tons.

Gusmão succeeds Leonardo Cerquinho, who oversaw the presidency of the state-owned company for 2 years.

Entrepreneur and agronomist, Gusmão holds a master’s degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and was president of EMLURB (maintenance and urban cleaning of Recife), as well as being the Secretary of Infrastructure in Recife.

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