
Brazilian fish farming exports grew 4.4% in 2020

Feb, 10, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202106

Brazilian exports of fish products grew 4.4% in 2020 compared to 2019, with sales of US $ 11.7 million. The data are from Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura (Palmas-TO) in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Pisciculture (Peixe BR).

Despite this increase, the segment’s trade balance remained negative at US$ 456 million last year. This is because Brazil imported US$ 467.7 million, with salmon representing almost all purchases, at US$ 415.4 million.

Even with this deficit, Embrapa celebrated the result. “There is a tendency for fish exports to grow in the coming years. Since 2017, exports have been growing at rates above 20% per year. The lowest growth rate in 2020 (4.4%) differs from the pattern seen in the last four years and is directly related to the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects ”, said Manoel Pedroza, a researcher at Embrapa, in a note.

Tilapia remained the main exported species, responsible for more than 88% of the volume throughout the past year. Curimatás and Tambaqui follow – together, they were responsible for almost 10% of exports. In the whole year, tilapia sales generated US$ 10.4 million.

The USA was the largest importer of Brazilian fish, with US$ 6 million purchased last year. Next are Chile (importing US$ 1.4 million) and China (importing US$ 864,200).

The chart below shows Brazilian fish imports and exports since 2017:

Brazilian Fish Imports and Exports (Chap. 03) | Jan 2017 to Dec 2020 | TEU

Text source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

Report source: Valor Econômico

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