Ports and Terminals

ANTAQ approves simplified tariff at Imbituba

Mar, 23, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202113

ANTAQ (the national waterway transport agency) approved the inclusion of the “tariff due for temporary-use contracts and leases made based on simplified studies” in the tariff structure of the Port of Imbituba (SC). The Statement of Decision No. 101-2021 was published in the Official Federal Gazette on March 22.

During the 496th Ordinary Meeting of the Collegiate Board of Directors held on March 11, the agency directors authorized the values ​​of the tariffs approved in this process, adopted specifically for caustic soda, to be inserted in the corresponding resolution, as well as included in the simplified lease studies mentioned in ANTAQ Resolution No. 7821 / 2020.

“The tariff approved for use in the simplified lease, which, possibly, should become the new model to be adopted for the future, means that the remuneration of the lease is defined only per square meter of occupied area”, explains the manager of ANTAQ Port Regulation, Dax Rösler, noting that for now, this type of tariff is only applicable to small businesses: terminals limited to R$ 330 million in total revenues (contract value) and with a maximum contractual term of 10 years.

According to the Statement of Decision, the new tariffs and the tariff group to be added to the tariff structure in force at the Port of Imbituba will come into force within five working days of its publication, without altering the existing general application rules.

This tariff in Imbituba was the second that ANTAQ has approved. The first was in Itaguaí (RJ).

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