Ports and Terminals

Montevideo receives first Capesize vessel

Apr, 05, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202114

The Port of Montevideo in Uruguay has received a Capesize vessel for the first time in its history. The Cape Pelican, a bulk carrier measuring 291.98 meters in width and 45 meters in length, reached the port area of ​​Uruguay from the Port of Jiangyin, in China.

According to the National Port Administration (ANP) of Uruguay, the ship will carry 90,000 tons of logs to the Asian country. The operation will involve about 3,000 trucks and will take ten days to complete.  This is the first time that such a ship has been used to load pine logs, and it will require special maneuvering.

Although the Port of Montevideo receives larger ships, the characteristics of this vessel are more complex. Therefore, in order to prepare for this operation, a study was carried out assisted by the Pilot Society of the Port of Montevideo through the National Navy Pilotage Office. The study was instrumental in establishing the necessary conditions to safely carry out the maneuver.

See the graph below showing cargo handling at Port of Montevidéo since January 2017:

Imports and Exports via Port of Montevidéo | Jan 2017 – Feb 2021 | TEU
Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo, click here)

Source: Portual Portuário

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