Ports and Terminals

Navy renegotiates contract with Sepetiba Container Terminal

Apr, 06, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202114

In March, CDAM (the Navy customs distribution and operations center responsible for Brazilian Navy customs clearance) finished renegotiating the contract for the Sepetiba (Sepetiba TECON) container terminal in Rio de Janeiro state. Most imports for the Submarine Program (PROSUB) arrive through this terminal.

Through this agreement, the Navy receives an average discount of 7% on the values ​​previously charged, reaching a discount of 50% on the terminal table values ​​applied to the general public.

The current terms were the result of a policy instituted five years ago. It has been recently intensified to expand the number of port terminals available for Navy cargo and update the adopted contractual terms.

An additional R$150,000 will be saved per year in storage fees when the adjusted terms take effect on April 1, based on the last three years’ average handling.

Since the beginning of this policy to negotiate with port terminals, the Navy has saved more than R$ 1,250,000.


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