Dock Sud port in Buenos Aires
Ports and Terminals

Argentina invests 200m pesos to dredge Dock Sud in Buenos Aires

Apr, 18, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202117

The Argentine government will invest 200 million Argentine pesos (approximately US$ 2 million) on maintenance dredging at the Dock Sud public port located in the southern side of Buenos Aires.

The main terminal at the port is the Exolgan container terminal. The terminal is managed by TIL Terminal Investments Limited, controlled by majority shareholder MSC, and handles more than 40% of the containers handled in Buenos Aires. See below the terminal’s volumes compared to overall Buenos Aires volumes, taken from DataLiner.

Dredging will take place in the following areas:

Canal Sur

Canal Dock Sud, sections 1 and 2

Dársena de Inflamables

Muelles A y A

Muelle de Propaneros

An estimated 1.623 million cubic meters will be dredged in order to maintain the port at a depth of 33 feet. The dredging will take place over 210 days, at a total cost of just over US$ 18 million. The Argentine government will cover approximately US$ 2 million of the cost.

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