Ports and Terminals

Damaged cargo ship remains at the port of Santos until this week

May, 24, 2021 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202123

The vessel Mercosul Santos, which was towed to the Port of Santos on April 25, should remain at least until this week at the Santos pier. This is the estimated time needed to complete the repairs that are being carried out on the vessel’s main engine.

The Mercosul Santos is a container carrier that operates in cabotage, transporting metal boxes between ports in the country.


The initial information, transmitted by the crew of the vessel, was that a fire began which caused damage to the freighter. Because of this, it left Rio de Janeiro and was towed to the Santos pier, where repairs began a few days after its arrival.

The work is done by a specialized company at the warehouse 25 wharf that is operated by the Passenger Terminal Giusfredo Santini, Concais, in the Outeirinhos region.

Teams from the Captaincy of the Port of São Paulo (CPSP) were on board the vessel as soon as it arrived at the port and were able to detect the main engine malfunction.

Source: A Tribuna

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