
Ministry of Agriculture launches portal for Brazilian Agricultural Observatory

May, 26, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202123

On Tuesday, May 25, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) launched the portal of the Brazilian Agricultural Observatory. A single location gathers data from more than 200 mapped bases on the agricultural harvest, climate forecast, rural credit, in addition to information on the fishing sector and geo-referenced images of the Brazilian rural area.

“We are delivering this fantastic instrument to society. We have a framework of updated information and consistent data that can be used for decision-making. This will make it possible for Brazil to change its image during these difficult times we are facing. There will be no more ignorance in relation to Brazilian agriculture. Here’s what you need to know about Brazil. The sector deserves this platform”, announced Minister Tereza Cristina, creator of the Observatory project.

Brazilian Imports and Exports of Agribusiness goods | Jan to Dec 2015-2020 | WTMT

Graph source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


The purpose of this service is to strengthen and improve the integration, management, access, and monitoring of data and information of strategic interest for the agricultural sector and for Brazil. Access to the computerized system is open to the public, with some information available according to the access profiles.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture

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