Argentina carne de boi - Argentina beef

Recognition by OIE may open new markets for Brazilian meat

May, 27, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202123

With new areas in Brazil having been recognized as being free of foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination, the Ministry of Agriculture says it will immediately start negotiating the opening of new markets for Brazilian beef and pork and will include more products in the purchases of current importers. The recognition should increase the volume and revenue with shipments, but the ministry does not yet have a projection of how much the increase could be.

The private sector will indicate priorities. The list of preferential markets includes Japan, South Korea, and the United States, which demand the status that Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Acre, Rondônia, and parts of Amazonas and Mato Grosso received from the World Organization for Animal Health this Thursday, May 27.

For pork, the intention is to include new items, such as bone-in meat and giblets, for partners such as China. The states also intend to initiate shipments to destinations that previously only bought from Santa Catarina, which already has the 2007 certificate. Chile is included among these markets.

Source: Valor Econômico

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