
ANVISA proposes greater controls for ship crews

May, 31, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202124

ANVISA (the national health surveillance agency) defends greater restrictions on the entry of foreign crew on ships and platforms in Brazil, due to new variants of the new coronavirus.

In a document sent to the federal government last Friday, ANVISA proposes that crew members from the United Kingdom, India, South Africa, and Northern Ireland can only enter Brazil after undergoing a 14-day quarantine period in another country.

On the other hand, Brazilian seafarers returning from these nations will be able to enter Brazil but will have to remain isolated for the same period in the city in which they land.

Crew coming from other countries will continue to follow the current standards. Until now, ANVISA only requires that these professionals present a negative Covid-19 test.

The purpose of ANVISA’s proposal is to prevent crew members from arriving from these four countries “but if they have to, they must first quarantine in another country,” stated the director of ANVISA, Alex Machado Campos.

Source: The Tribune

To read the full original article, access the link below:

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