Ports and Terminals

ANTAQ opens public consultation on possible abuses related to THC collection

Jun, 01, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202124

On Monday, May 31, ANTAQ (the national waterway transport agency) opened a public consultation and hearing to obtain contributions, subsidies, and suggestions for the proposed regulatory change that seeks to materialize regulatory understanding on Theme 3.1 of the Regulatory Agenda for the 2020/2021 Biennium: Systematize a mechanism for analyzing and investigating possible abuses related to shipowners that dock in Brazilian port facilities charging users a terminal handling charge (THC). This is Public Hearing No 11/2021.

Contributions may be sent to ANTAQ until 11:59 pm on July 14, 2021, exclusively through and in the form of the electronic form available on the website, contributions sent via other means will not be accepted.

The legal drafts and technical documents that are the object of this public hearing nº 11/2021 are available at: Social/.

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