Other Logistics

Argentina: Presentation of the Bioceanic Railway Corridor layout

Jun, 07, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202125

Together with part of the local government team, the governor of the Argentine province of Catamarca, Raúl Jalil, presented the Bioceânico Rail Corridor project to Administração de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias S.E. (ADIF), an entity of the Ministry of Transport.

According to the exhibition, the initiative to connect the productive heart of Argentina with the international Asia-Pacific markets consists of two stages. The first stage includes restoring the road that connects Recreo-Tinogasta (approximately 566 kilometers), which was disabled. The second part of the project includes constructing a new road in the Tinogasta-Paso section of San Francisco (287 kilometers).

The design of the section envisages that the train will travel as far as possible along the National Route 60, which passes through the provinces of Córdoba, La Rioja, and Catamarca.

Source: Port Portal

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