Ports and Terminals

Port of Paranaguá starts underwater inspection and verification service at the pier

Jun, 25, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202126

Last week, specialized diving services began for underwater inspection and verification of structures at the Port of Paranaguá pier. The objective is to identify, diagnose, and solve possible points for preventive repair. The contract is for one year, with an investment of R$ 2.8 million paid using the resources of the public company Portos do Paraná.

The service will be carried out along the entire pier of the port of Paranaguá, which is approximately 4.7 thousand meters long from berth 201 to 218 and up to the public liquid bulk pier.

The service is carried out by a specialized team consisting of a structural engineer and divers, who film all the stakes and make notes on the most critical points. Subsequently, reports and reports on the conditions of each stake are prepared.

Once this service is performed, the engineers at Portos do Paraná analyze the data received and define whether it is necessary to carry out any maintenance or just follow-up.

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