Rumo Train
Other Logistics

Rumo’s biodiesel transport volume rises by 74% in 2018

Jan, 29, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201905

Rail logistics company, Rumo, saw a significant increase in biodiesel type B100 transported via its rail network last year, up 74% to 172,000 cubic metres compared to 99,000 cubic metres transported in 2017. The biodiesel transported by Rumo is first loaded in Rio Grande do Sul and then transported via the Malha Sul railway to markets in Paraná and São Paulo. Cargo with São Paulo as its final destination is unloaded at the Araucária terminal in Curitiba and then moved via road. 

Rumo attributes the increase to strategic customer relations and increased demand for biodiesel type B100. Brazil’s Ministry of Energy and Mines forecasts that the country’s biodiesel production will rise from 5.4bn tons to 10bn tons by 2023.

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