Oil and Gas

Integrated logistics has a promising future

Jun, 30, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202127

The oil and gas industry has been looking for new solutions in equipment logistics for its operations on the Brazilian coast. A maritime support company for offshore operations, the CBO Group recently started an unprecedented contract in the country for integrated logistics with Petrobras. In the past, the state-owned company and other offshore exploration companies performed their own supply logistics via land and at sea.

“This new type of service has been a Petrobras idea for many years, but it was only in 2021 that it became a reality”, says Marcos Tinti, president of the CBO Group, which won the tender and became the first maritime support navigation company to provide the integrated logistics service in Brazil. It began operating on April 13, 2021 and is expected to continue operating until February 2024. The company currently comprises two rigs (SS-75 Ocean Courage and NS-45 Brava Star), but others may be added according to Petrobras’ definition. Tinti explains that the contract inaugurates a new line of business and is divided into fixed and variable installments which may exceed R$350 million.

“The chartering still represents the largest part of our operation, however, integrated logistics is something very promising. We take on the client’s problem so that he can concentrate on his main focus which is energy generation”, highlights the executive. Believing in the potential, a logistics area was created dedicated to the success and implementation of the new contract and prospecting for new opportunities in the sector. “In this way, we complement our maritime support vessel chartering business, and we hope that it can become increasingly relevant to the company’s results,” he says. With the new service modality, the company is now responsible for planning and executing door-to-door logistics from the customer’s input supplier to delivery to offshore maritime units.

Source: Valor Econômico

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