Petrobras; pre-salt production; produção no pré-sal
Oil and Gas

Importers criticize Petrobras’ lag in fuel prices

Jul, 02, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202127

The average gap between the prices charged by Petrobras for diesel and gasoline at its refineries in relation to the import parity price (PPI) is making import operations unfeasible, according to ABICOM (the Brazilian association of fuel importers).

By ABICOM’s calculations, diesel currently has an average lag of R$ 0.16 per liter in relation to international prices, that is, it is 6% below import prices. The lag varies from R$ 0.18 to R$ 0.13 per liter, depending on the point of sale.

According to the association, the fuel has already accumulated an increase of R$ 0.10 in international prices since the date of the last adjustment made by Petrobras, on May 1st, when prices were reduced by 2%. Since then, a liter of diesel has been traded by Petrobras at R$ 2.71 on average.

Source: Valor Econômico

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