Ports and Terminals

Handling at the Port of Vitória grows 30.6% in the first half of 2021

Jul, 06, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202128

The Port of Vitórica closed the first half of 2021 with the best result in the last 10 years and growth of 30.6% compared to the same period in 2020. Handling totaled 3,659,016 tons.

The information was consolidated by CODESA’s Planning and Development Coordination (Coplad). The waiting time of ships also improved: it dropped 15.29%. The average was 23:44, in these first six months of 2021, it rose to 20:07.”.


All types of cargo registered an increase in movement in the semester. With a growth of 55%, general cargo was handled the most, followed by solid bulk (up 36.4%), liquid bulk (16.6%), and volume of containers (25.8%).

By type of load, the biggest increase was malt, which rose 43.3% this semester, compared to the first six months of 2020. Support loads registered an increase of 41.6%; caustic soda, 31.8%, and mineral coal, 31.3%.

Positive data also with the operation of vehicles. From January to June of last year, 14,040 units were handled. This year, in the same period, there were 20,016, an increase of 42.6%


10 years ago, the Port of Vitória did not register such important indexes. In 2011, which was an atypical year, 4.03 million tons were handled in the first semester. As of 2012, the results remained at lower levels. In the same period last year, for example, it was 2.8 million tons, but this year it exceeded 3.6mt.

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