
Brazil to reach a 300-million harvest milestone earlier than targeted

Jul, 07, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202128

Brazil should harvest more than 300 million tons of grain by the 2024/25 harvest, three seasons earlier than initially planned, according to new projections by the Ministry of Agriculture. The previous forecast, a mantra of Minister Tereza Cristina since she took over the Ministry, was to reach the mark in the 2027/28 cycle.

According to the new projections, which the ministry will publish today – and which Valor obtained first hand – Brazilian grain production should grow 27.1% until 2030/31 when it reaches 333.1 million tons. In the season ended this June, the country harvested 262.1 million tons, according to calculations by CONAB, the national food supply company.

For the production of chicken, beef, and pork, the Ministry of Agriculture now foresees an increase of 24% in this interval. The survey also shows the expected evolution in the fruit, cotton, and sugarcane sector.

Despite the problems that arose with the pandemic, the agricultural sector did well in Brazil, with record harvests and prices. In addition, the gross production value (VBP) is expected to exceed the R$1 trillion mark and cause the gross domestic product (GDP) of agribusiness to grow 3.5%,

Source: Valor Econômico

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