Ports and Terminals

Açu Petróleo plants to initiate works on their Rio tank park in 2022

Jul, 10, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202128

Açu Petróleo, a joint venture between Prumo Logística and the German company, Oiltanking, expects to start the construction of the oil tank park in 2022 at Porto do Açu, in São João da Barra, in Norte Fluminense. The project should require investments from R$ 2 billion to R$ 2.5 billion.

The project is expected to start operating in January 2024. The terminal will be connected to the southeastern pipeline network. The project includes the installation of tanks with a capacity of 5.7 million barrels.

“We are designing the EPC contracting for the construction of the tank”, said the commercial director of Açu Petróleo, Eduardo Goulart, during an online event.

Açu Petróleo filed an IPO with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) last year but canceled the operation this year due to less favorable market conditions. The operation is still on schedule.

The company provides logistical infrastructure services for the transshipment of oil at Porto do Açu and currently accounts for 25% of the country’s oil exports.

Source: Valor Econômico

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