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Harvest begins despite glyphosate shortage

Jul, 13, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202128

As they prepare to plant the 2021/22 crop, Brazilian farmers lack one of the most used pesticides in the country, glyphosate, which is mainly used to prepare crops for planting. The Paraná dealership Disam, which has 27 units in that state, has announced that factories in China are not accepting new orders from manufacturers. “There is an enormous concern with glyphosate. The price is four times higher than in the last harvest”, says Leila Zorzetto, managing partner of the company.

Some of the factors affecting the reduction in supply from the Asian country, one of the largest suppliers of the product, include a logistical issue and greater consumption in the northern hemisphere. Anticipating the problem, cooperatives and resellers placed advance orders. Between April and May, the purchase of glyphosate and other inputs was already around 60% higher than that recorded in years considered ‘normal’, said a source linked to the sector.

Source: Valor Econômico

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