tabaco brasileiro - Brazilian tobacco
Trade Regulations

Russia will ban tobacco imports from Brazil from Monday

Jul, 18, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202128

Russia has decided to ban tobacco imports from Brazil and four other countries as of Monday, July 19th. The announcement was made YESTERDAY, July 15 by Rosselkhoznadzor (the Russian federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary surveillance). The measure is due to “concern about the phytosanitary status of tobacco from various countries around the world destined for the Russian Federation” and the systematic violation of the phytosanitary requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

According to the statement published on the website of the Russian Trade Representative in Brazil, in 2021 alone, inspections for the phytosanitary control of tobacco imported by the Russians detected the presence of the fly Megaselia Scalaris in 28 cases. This is a quarantine pest in the country and in other members of the EAEU.

Valor sought out the Ministry of Agriculture, which said it had not been officially informed about the decision. According to data from the Ministry, Brazil exported almost 20,000 tons of non-manufactured tobacco and its waste (products targeted by the ban) to Russia in 2020, deals that generated US$ 43.7 million.

Source: Valor Econômico

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