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Brazil-China trade flow continues to rise sharply and could reach the US$ 120 billion mark this year

Jul, 22, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202129

With an increase of 37.7% in exports and a growth of 25.9% in imports between the months of January and June, the trade flow (exports+imports) between Brazil and China should exceed the US$102.5 billion registered in 2020 by a large margin and end this year in excess of US$ 120 billion, a significant milestone in the history of trade between the two countries.

In the first half, Brazilian exports to the country’s primary global trading partner totaled US$ 46.747 billion, with China importing 34.4% of Brazil’s global exports for the period. In 2020, this share was 32.4%

See the DataLiner chart below for cargo movement between Brazil and China since January 2019:

Imports and Exports between Brazil and China | Jan 2019 to May 2021 | WTMT

Graph source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

In relation to imports, China was responsible for 21.7% of the set of goods purchased by Brazilian companies abroad, in the amount of US$ 21.507 billion. In terms of participation in imports, there was a slight drop compared to 21.9% registered last year.

Source: Comex do Brasil

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