container handling
Ports and Terminals

Container cargo handling increases and Port of Santos breaks records in June and for the semester

Jul, 26, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202130

Container handling at the Port of Santos in June reached 397,100 TEU, an increase of 28.5% over the same month last year.  A total of 2.4 million TEU was handled in the first half of 2021, 18.5% above the first half of 2020.

Record levels were reached for the month and for the semester in terms of container cargo, breaking the previous records in June 2019 (357,000 TEU) and in the first semester of 2020 (2.0 million TEU), respectively.

In June, 13.3 million tons were handled, an increase of 7.2% over the same period in 2020, becoming the highest recorded handling for the month of June. The same was true for the year-to-date figure which totaled 76.3 million tons and surpassed the previous record by 7.9% (also from 2020).

Exports totaled 9.7 million tons, a growth of 2.1% compared to June 2020. Imports totaled 3.6 million tons, a growth of 23.9% over June last year.

Year-to-date accumulated handling in June registered 55.3 million tons of exports, 7.3% above the first half of 2020. Imports reached 20.9 million tons, a growth of 9.5% over the first half of 2020.

Liquid bulk handled was 7.0% higher than in June last year, reaching 1.6 million tons, reflecting shipments of diesel, diesel oil, and fuel oil. The accumulated result for the year totaled 8.8 million tons,  a drop of 0.25% compared to the same period last year. Even so, it was the second-best mark for the period.

Solid bulk rose 4.7% in the first half, to 38.7 million tons, the best level for the period. The monthly result, although showing a drop, was the second-best level for the month of June for solid bulk.

See the DataLiner chart below for a history of long-haul container movement at the Port of Santos since January 2020:

Long-Haul Container Handling at the Port of Santos | Jan 2020 to May 2021 | TEU

Graph source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


In June, moorings grew 3.5% compared to 2020, with 419 moorings (compared to 405 in the same month last year). The total for the semester registered a drop of 0.7%, with 2,436 moorings from January to June (compared to 2,453 in the same period in 2020). But cargo handling increased, a sign of greater vessel capacity.

Santos maintained its accumulated share of 27.9% in the Brazilian trade flow. About 27.8% of these transactions that went through the Port of Santos were with China.

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