Ports and Terminals

Construction begins on the new pulp terminal at the Port of Paranaguá

Aug, 01, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202130

The company Klabin began the construction of its new terminal at the quay of the Port of Paranaguá. The order to release the services was signed in early July by Portos do Paraná, a public company.

In addition to the acquisition of equipment and operating systems, two kilometers of railway branches and a 21,860 square meter warehouse must be built. The estimated investment is around R$ 130 million, planned for 2022.

Klabin purchased the 27,530-square meter PAR01 area in an auction held in August 2019. The concession contract was signed in early 2020, ending a period of two decades with no new leases at the Port of Paranaguá. The contract for the development of the area is for 25 years, renewable for another 45 years.

The expectation is that in the first year of operations, the company will move 1.4 million tons through the port of Paraná. With the conclusion of the second expansion phase of the Klabin Unit in Ortigueira (Puma II Project) – scheduled for 2023 – the company expects to handle 2.2 million tons per year via Paranaguá.

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