Cargonave: Brazilian corn exports should fall more than soybeans in August
Aug, 03, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202131
Brazilian corn exports are expected to fall more sharply in volumes in August than soybeans, amid a drop in the cereal crop, while the country has already exported most of the oilseed, according to information from the ship schedule for the month and comparison with the “line-up” for the same period in 2020.
According to data compiled by the maritime agency Cargonave, soybean shipments from Brazil are projected at around 4.9 million tons in August, compared to 6.6 million tons at the beginning of the same month in 2020.
Brazilian exports closed at 5.57 million tons in August last year, according to data from ANEC (the Brazilian association of cereal exporters).
Source: Money Times
To read the full original article, visit the link: https://www.moneytimes.com.br/embarque-de-milho-do-brasil-em-agosto-deve-cair-mais-que-o-de-soja-aponta-cargonave/
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