Ports and Terminals

Container shortage affects agribusiness exports from Rio Grande do Sul

Aug, 11, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202132

The resumption of international trade in the post-pandemic period, especially in Brazilian agribusiness, is being negatively affected by the lack of containers to ship the products. This information was provided by the CEO of Tecon Rio Grande S/A, Paulo Bertinetti. The company is the main container terminal in Rio Grande do Sul.

According to Bertinetti, the problem is not new but was intensified during the pandemic when the borders between the countries were closed and trade was completely stopped. “The shipowners started taking ships out of service and reducing the port calls for weeks,” he says.

Also according to Bertinetti, with the return of international trade, China has resumed imports, but not in the same volume as in the pre-pandemic period. Another aggravating factor, says Bertinetti, is that containers are returning to Asia empty or with industrialized products. “Freight has increased a lot, especially for manufactured products,” he explains.

Rio Grande do Sul is the third-largest exporter of poultry and pork in Brazil and the state’s agribusiness is extremely dependent on exports. According to Bertinetti, one of the solutions to the problem would be to increase imports and increase the supply of containers in Brazilian ports.

Source: Rural Channel

To read the full original article, visit the link: https://www.canalrural.com.br/noticias/escassez-global-de-conteineres-atinge-exportacoes-do-agronegocio/

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