Ports and Terminals

Meet the winners of the auction of areas in the ports of Salvador, Fortaleza, and Santana

Aug, 15, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202132

Last Friday, August 13th, an area in the Port of Santana (AP) was auctioned for the movement of bulk vegetable solids, especially soybean meal; another at the Port of Fortaleza (CE), for handling bulk vegetable solids, especially grain wheat; and another area in the Port of Salvador (BA), for handling general, project, or containerized cargo. See the winners below:

MCP02 – Port of Santana (AP)

Winner: Caramuru Food

Value: BRL 5.8 million

Area – 3,186.74 m2

Contract Term – 25 years

Overall Gross Contract Revenue – R$261.6 million

Total investment – BRL 41.3 million

Total movement – 4.3 million (t)

MUC01 – Port of Fortaleza (CE)


Value: BRL 1 million

Area – 6,000 m2

Contract Term – 25 years

Overall Gross Contract Revenue – R$516.6 million

Total investment – BRL 47.6 million

Total movement – 14.8 million (t)

SSD09 – Port of Salvador (BA)

Winner: Intermarítima Portos e Log

Value: BRL 32 million

Area – 16,707.81 m2

Contract Term – 10 years

Overall Gross Contract Revenue – R$190 million

Total investment – BRL 17.7 million

Total handling – 842.4 thousand (t)

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