Ports and Terminals

Port of Suape invests R$59 mi in infrastructure works to improve competitiveness

Aug, 19, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202133

The administration of the Port of Suape announced investments of R$59 million in maintenance and rehabilitation works for the infrastructure of the port complex. The goal is to make it more competitive and attractive to new businesses.

Ongoing interventions include the structural restoration of the jetty that protects the external port (an area that houses four piers and the multi-use pier, for loading and unloading operations); recovery of the Liquid Bulk Pier 2 (PGL-2); port roads (drainage and paving); leveling of the seabed; and construction of a new control tower (local base where vessel traffic management is carried out).

Most of the works are already in progress, with completion scheduled for the end of the year. However, some interventions will start in the second half of the year, such as the construction of the new control tower. The structure will occupy an area of 269.40 m2, with three floors, divided into several rooms, such as traffic control, coordination, administrative, archive, and information technology. It will also have space for pilotage, watchtower, parking, kitchenette, locker rooms, restrooms, an employee lounge, storage, and guardhouse.

See the chart below for the evolution of cargo handling at the Port of Suape from 2018 on. Data are from DataLiner:

Cargo Import and Export at the Port of Suape | Jan 2018 to June 2021 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

Maintenance – Parallel to these interventions, Suape has been investing in the maintenance of large areas of the port structures. This month, Liquid Bulk Pier 3 (PGL-3), responsible for oil, diesel, and cooking gas operations, in addition to ship-to-ship operations (cargo transfer from ship to ship), benefited from the exchange of two fenders, parts responsible for absorbing the impact of the vessel during docking at the pier.

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