Ports and Terminals

China reopens one of the busiest ports in the world

Aug, 25, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202134

Yesterday, China ended the sanitary restrictions in the large port of Ningbo-Zhushan, located 250 kilometers south of Shanghai. It had been partially shut down due to an outbreak of Covid-19.

Ningbo-Zhushan is one of the busiest freight transport ports in the world. Last year, 1.2 billion tons of goods passed through it. On August 11, a case of coronavirus was discovered among workers at the port, and one of the terminals, with a capacity for 10 million containers, was closed. About 2,000 workers had to go through a period of isolation.

Sanitary restrictions will be suspended beginning today, and the activity will gradually resume, according to public television CCTV, which cites local authorities.

On September 1st, the terminal will be operating normally. World maritime transport was negatively impacted by the sanitary restrictions imposed by the pandemic and was under severe pressure with the reactivation of economies.

Source: BOL

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