Trade Regulations

Reinspection of imported animal products is now carried out by the International Agricultural Surveillance

Aug, 26, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202134

The circulation of imported raw materials and edible animal products in Brazil will be authorized after inspection and re-inspection by VIGIAGRO (the ministry of agriculture, livestock, and food supply’s international agricultural surveillance authority). The change took effect on August 18. Before that date, VIGIAGRO only carried out inspections, and reinspection procedures were carried out by SIF (the federal inspection service) for products to be released for sale.

“The changes in the re-inspection activities of animal-origin products to the primary zone reinforce the import controls of animal-origin products”, highlights the director of the department of animal-origin products inspection, Ana Lúcia Viana.

According to her, the measure reduces bureaucracy and streamlines the processes for releasing shipments of imported animal products, resulting in gains for the private sector as well as for the public sector.

“The flow, inspection of edible product loads by VIGIAGRO, and redirection for reinspection to the SIF increased the time needed to release the products. Now, after the regular re-inspection procedures, the approved products will already have their transit and marketing authorized”, explains Viana.

The change complies with Decree No. 10.468/2020 and required adjustments from the prior import authorization procedures to the inspection procedures carried out by VIGIAGRO.

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