
2019 set to be a record year for Brazilian coffee

Feb, 06, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201907

Brazilian green coffee exports totalled 3.03m 60 kg bags in January 2019, a four-month low, down from a record 4.10m in December. However, January’s exports are still an increase of 15.76% compared to the same month last year (2.62m bags). Despite the year on year increase in exports last month, export revenues fell by 2.37% to US$407.9m compared to US$417.8m last January according to Secex data. In January 2019 average monthly coffee prices were at their lowest since January 2014, reflecting the large output in the 2018/19 season

2018 was a bumper year for the world’s largest coffee producer. According to Cecafé, the  Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council, Brazil maintained its world leadership position, exporting over 35million bags last year (a 14% jump on 2017) and 2019 is likely to bring even better results. Cecafé predict that Brazilian coffee exports could reach a new record of 37million bags in 2019. 



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