Port of Santos railroad /Ferrovia Interna do Porto de Santos
Other Logistics

With 14 requests, reaches R $ 80.5 billion forecast of investments with rail authorizations

Sep, 23, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202137

The federal government received the 14th requirement from private investors interested in building and operating a railway in the country by the instrument of railway authorization, established in provisional measure No. 1065/2021. With this, the total investments provided in the modal have reached $ 80.5 billion for 5,360 kilometers of new rails, crossing 12 states.

The most recent request was filed with the Ministry of Infrastructure (Minfra) on September 16th. It is a proposal formulated by the Petrocity company, which operates in the ports sector: the company wants to connect the federal capital to the ports of Espirito Santo. To do so, it proposed to build and operate the Railroad Juscelino Kubitschek (EFJK), a stretch with 1,108 kilometers of extension.

The project passes through DF, Goiás, and Minas Gerais until arriving at Barra de San Francisco (ES). The investment is for R$ 13.5 billion in the railway segment alone. The company also plans to inject another R $ 700 million into six transshipping and loading units located along the rails.

See the relationship of all the requirements presented so far:

Água Boa / MT – Lucas do Rio Verde / MT: 557 km
Uberlândia / MG – Chaveslândia / MG: 235 km
Estreito / MA – Balsas / MA: 245 km
Shortline between Perequê/SP – TIPLAN/Porto de Santos/SP: 8 km
Maracaju/MS – Dourados/MS: 76 km
Guarapuava/PR – Paranaguá/PR: 405 km
Cascavel/PR – Foz do Iguaçu/PR: 166 km
Cascavel/PR – Chapecó /SC: 286 km
Açailândia/MA – Alcântara/MA: 520 km
São Mateus/ES – Ipatinga/MG: 420 km
Suape/PE – Curral Novo/PI: 717 km
Terminal Intermodal in Santo André: 7 km
Presidente Kennedy (ES) – Conceição do Mato Dentro/Sete Lagoas (MG): 610 km
Estrada de Ferro Juscelino Kubitschek (EFJK) – from Barra de São Francisco (ES) to Brasília (DF): 1.108 km

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