Ports and Terminals

CDRJ considers implementing VTMIS at the Port of Itaguaí

Oct, 20, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202140

Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro (CDRJ), the dock company which manages the ports of Rio de Janeiro, Itaguaí, Niterói, and Angra dos Reis, is studying the possibility of installing radar and conventional and thermal cameras at the Marambaia Island Assessment Center ( CADIM) for monitoring waterway traffic in Sepetiba Bay. The objective is to meet the needs of the ongoing project to implement a Vessel Traffic Management and Information System (VTMIS ) at the Port of Itaguaí.

On October 13, the Port Authority VTMIS manager Marcelo Villas-Bôas was at CADIM for a ‘site survey’ with representatives from the Naval Operations Command (ComOpNav) and the Navy Communications and Information Technology Directorate (DCTIM ). The visit to the Brazilian Navy (MB) facilities aimed to analyze the existing infrastructure and assess the technical feasibility of using it in the VTMIS project by installing radar equipment and optical and thermal cameras at that location.

Villas-Bôas explained that “at present, MB and CDRJ are in advanced negotiations to include the Itaguaí VTMIS Project to the Agreement signed in December 2019 through an Addendum, between the Maritime and Port Authorities of Rio de Janeiro, focusing on the ports of Rio de Janeiro and Niterói. We verified, by visiting CADIM and the Farol de Castelhanos, that it will be possible to establish an active monitoring network of waterway traffic in Sepetiba Bay by using the equipment that will be installed in the headquarters building of the administration of the Port of Itaguaí.”

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